March 2010

We can only come up with one person we’d like to be the donor for our family… and we’re talking to him on Saturday. Assuming this is something he is willing to take on, this family may be closer than I originally thought. 🙂

I’ve been in such a funk these past few days/weeks and I just can’t put my finger on it. Nothing is going wrong, there is no reason for me to be so…. ‘blah’

C and I got a new puppy, something we’ve always wanted.
We have a great apartment.
We have very supportive family.
I fall more in love with her every day.

Yet, there’s just something lingering that I can’t put my finger on. Financially, things are tight. We’re making it fine, but it’s definitely paycheck to paycheck and I hate that. I want to be saving, I want to have funds to fall back on in the case of emergency, but we just can’t save it. I made huge mistakes in my past in regards to money, and they’re all biting me in the ass now. C and I haven’t seemed to have gotten much ‘us’ time and it stinks. We’ve been going here and there, getting this done, picking this up, and it’s taking it’s toll on our relationship. Our house needs cleaned something fierce, but neither one of us want to take away from the few minutes we have alone together in the evenings to take care of that.

In addition, it seems like everything that anybody does lately gets on my nerves. Now, I’m not talking it just irritates me a little… It makes me so angry I just want to scream. The way somebody moves, the way someone chews, certain words someone might use – the simplest of damned things and I’m just over the edge.

My weight is so much greater than it should be for my frame. I’ve tried so hard since the beginning of the year to eat healthier, to get more exercise, but I’ve failed at that – yet again.

Something needs to change…. soon. 😦